Looking to shorten the time to market your web apps? You probably are looking for Ruby On Rails Development.
Many companies have asked the questions “What’s the fastest way to develop my web apps?” and “Should I use Java, Ruby, Python or something else?”
These companies range from start-ups to established enterprises, and many have come to the conclusion that when creating apps that are designed to be delivered on the web, Ruby on Rails is the best choice.
Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework for the Ruby programming language. The growing demand for Ruby on Rails has been driven by successful companies who benefit from the speed and agility of building applications in Rails, which results in increased productivity and company growth.
QUICKER LAUNCH: Sites that would traditionally take 12 weeks to build can commonly be launched inside of 6 weeks with Ruby on Rails
EASIER CHANGES: After site launch, future modifications to your site (e.g., adding new features, making changes to the data model) can be made more quickly
MORE COST-EFFECTIVE: Because of the speed with which Rails sites can be built and modified, you spend less money to create and maintain the website — without compromising the quality, performance, or scalability of your site.
Weblife has a talented and highly experienced Ruby on Rails team, whose expertise encompasses RoR development, design, conversion, GUI design and much more. Whether you plan an internet startup, setting up online service or simply creating a nice-looking, attractive website, Weblife’s RoR team is what you were looking for.
Our RoR solutions work for you to involve users, provide additional value to your customers and tell the world about your ideas, products and services. Weblife knows how to benefit from RoR’s highly flexible MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, able to fit the requirements of the most challenging web-oriented projects, be it E-commerce, Collaboration solutions, Content Management Systems or Community Networking.